I named this therapy practice Counseling for the People to set aside pretense and focus on what’s most important–your mental health.
I have no agenda except your well-being. I have picked up therapeutic techniques in my training, but no one treatment mode works for everyone.
Studies have shown that one of the most important factors in determining the success of psychotherapy is the quality of the relationship between the therapist and the person seeking therapy. I make this relationship my top priority
–Haven McClure, MSW, CAPSW,
Part and parcel of that therapeutic relationship are assumptions I make about of every person who seeks therapy. I have yet to find a situation where any of these assumptions proved false. My assumptions are as follows:
You are unique
All of us were created unique to make a special impact on the world around us. We are all products of different combinations of backgrounds, circumstances, relationships, and experiences. These combine to give us a perspective no one else has. I help you tap that uniqueness within yourself and take it into the wide world.
You are not the problem
Circumstances such as trauma, pressure to conform, and many other situations beyond our control may have kept us from tapping that full potential. Because of these factors, my therapy sessions are a judgment free zone. You might, during the course of therapy, learn about things that you can change or do better. But that doesn’t mean that you were ever “the problem.”
You have inherent dignity and value
Seeing a therapist doesn’t mean that “something is wrong with you.” Frequently, the illness is with society, not the individual. And if you do deal with mental illness, you are in good company and are no less worthy of a person for dealing with that.
I pledge to work with you as an equal partner. This is why I put the title “Humble Psychotherapist” on my business cards. You bring the self-knowledge that only you can bring. I bring my training and experience as a Wisconsin-certified Advanced Practice Social Worker, as well my own life experiences.
What’s most important is what works for you, not “what’s wrong with you”
The most important question is, “What’s working well, what can work better, and how can you and I best work together as a team to work through your challenges?” I can’t assume that what would work well for other people might work for you. While I do provide evidence-based treatments, it doesn’t mean that I expect you to respond to them the same way everyone else does. We are not machines.
You deserve to be well-informed about mental health
Everybody should be knowledgeable about mental health–not just therapists. Because of this, I see our sessions as opportunities for me to share such knowledge and resources. The better-informed you are as a consumer, the more you can advocate for your needs and achieve your goals.
You should have access to quality mental health care
Access to quality mental health care is a major problem in our society. Many health plans put severe restrictions on the availability of mental health care or don’t cover it at all. While I don’t have unlimited resources, I am committed to finding ways to make therapy accessible and affordable to as many people as possible.
If you want a therapist that makes these assumptions, please contact me through my contact page.
About me

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the state of Wisconsin, license #11918-123. I earned my Master’s in Social Work at the University of Wisconsin in 2015, where my area of concentration was mental health. I am listed on the COVID-Conscious Therapists website, and am also listed as a Climate Aware therapist on the Climate Psychology Alliance of North America website.